I am a software engineer focusing on building robust and high-performance software. I am currently working on MMTk (Memory Management ToolKit), a memory management/garbage collection framework for language implementations. I am the lead developer for mmtk-core.

My past experience includes 6 years+ research in the area of language virtual machines and performance analysis, and 2 years experience of backend development. I got a PhD degree from Australian National University (an efficient implementation of a micro virtual machine). I am one of the core members in the research project micro virtual machines and I wrote most of the code for Zebu VM.

Generally, I enjoy programming and creating things. They converge as programming is creative, and “produces objects of beauty”. My favorite quote is, “a programmer who subconsciously views himself as an artist will enjoy what he does and will do it better” (Donald Knuth).

Besides programming, I like video games and board games, as I find them fun and intellectually competitive. I enjoy playing violin as well, which seems already to be one of my life-long hobbies.